The Colby Murder
Did you ever hear of the Colby murder? Perhaps not, although the facts in regard to it were published far and wide, and the large reward offered for the detection of the murderer, as well as other circumstances connected with the case, gave it notoriety throughout the whole West.
A handsomer girl than handsome Nellie Colby was never seen in Georgetown. I say Georgetown, because I intend to conceal the real name of the place, acting upon the request of at least two individuals who were chief actors in the sad drama.
A tall, red-cheeked, black-eyed girl, with tresses which a romancer would call raven, with pearly teeth and little white hands, a form lithe and graceful, a voice soft and sweet as the song of a bird—was it any wonder that the old, the young and the middle-aged of Georgetown said, “God bless Nellie Colby!” whenever she appeared? And she was not praised entirely for her beauty. She was as good as she… Read More