Select Story

A "Clever Job"

How He Worked Up the Rome Murder Case. 

a chinese detective story. 

A Bit of Detective Work Which Would Do Credit to Inspector Byrnes—The Details of a Mysterious Crime Which Were Unraveled by the Smart Detective. 

One of the most familiar figures in Mott street, the abiding place of the Chinese population of New York, is Foo, the Chinese detective. He is known to be an indefatigable worker in ferreting out crimes, and his record is a remarkable one. The story of the Rome murder case, in which Detective Foo brought the murderer to justice after the American detectives had failed, has never been given to the public in detail before. 

On Monday, July 6, 1885, the little city of Rome, N.Y., was thrown into a fever of excitement by the discovery that a murder of the most brutal kind had been committed there. On the preceding Wednesday Wong Sing Lee, a very popular and successful Chinese laundryman had in the morning chatted with a number of friends and customers. Late in the afternoon his laundry, a pretty little cottage standing just off the main avenue of the city, was closed, and a notice on the wall in English read:

Gone to New York. - Sing Lee.

As the washerman was in the habit of visiting the metropolis every month to but Oriental delicacies and to visit friends, nothing was thought of the occurrence. On Sunday his neighbors began to grow suspicious that something was wrong; on Monday the action of… Read More