A Huge Detective

Every now and then one reads a new story of the sagacity of elephants. At a celebrated circus recently performing at Pesth, the attendant was started from sleep by the elephants rising to their feet and trumpeting in a shrill tone, significant of great mental agitation. Looking about in the dark to see if some stray dog or cat had got admittance, he discovered a stranger with a dark lantern attempting to enter the property room adjoining.  Without a moment’s hesitation he loosed the biggest of the three elephants, who marched solemnly out upon the would-be burglar, seized him by one arm with his potent trunk, and held him fast until the police, whom the attendant had promptly summoned from a neighboring station, came up and took the elephant’s prisoner, who had in the meantime swooned with fright, into custody.  Having consigned him to the authorities, “Kiraly,” like a virtuous citizen, returned to sleep, conscious of having done his duty.


Publishing Information

Published in
Isabella County [MI] Enterprise, November 26, 1879