Select Story

The Stolen Potatoes

A Detective Sketch

by Sylvanus Cobb, Jr.

It was at the time when that queen of the potato family—the Early Rose—first made its appearance; and the scene of the story was in Lycoming Co., Pa., within the limits of Hughesville. Adam Waldron was a well-to-do farmer, stock-breeder, and general trader in country produce, who not only kept a sharp eye upon the best breeds of horses and cattle, but who was also sure to secure seed necessary to the raising of the most approved crops upon his farm. Following his custom, he learned of the excellent qualities of the Early Rose potato before one of them had been seen in his neighborhood, and such confidence had he in the variety that he ordered, from the nearest available dépôt, twenty bushels to be sent to his address by rail. This was early in the spring, several weeks before planting time.

The potatoes arrived on time, and were on exhibition at the railroad station one whole day before Mr. Waldron took them home; and as they were in bags, and as the owner was very accommodating, as well as proud of his acquisition, everybody who so desired had the privilege of… Read More