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The Detective Posted Him

Suggestions Which Aided a Man When He Met a “Bunco Steerer

A well known artist tells a story of “forewarned, forearmed.” When he was a student in Boston he and several others boarded with a woman whose husband was a detective. The detective told them from time to time stories about interesting experiences which he had had, and explained the methods of carrying on “bunco games.” There are few new “bunco dodges.” Nearly all of them are variations of one or two stock schemes.

“Among other things which the detectives told us,” said Mr. L_____ in giving the story to his friends one evening, “is an epigram in which Robert G. Ingersoll also believes. It is that the man who begins a statement with a yawn is a liar. I tell you this now, although the yawn comes in later. I had often heard my friend, the detective, tell of the ‘diamond game.’

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