Select Story

Who Killed the Judge?

A Mystery of Crime

One raw morning in March the janitor of the court house of B—— entered the judge’s private room for the purpose of making the fire, and was frightened almost out of his wits at finding the honorable dignitary lying motionless on the floor.

The janitor was about to retreat and raise the alarm by ringing the court house bell, when he bethought himself that the judge might have but a fit, and that he could render him the needed assistance. Therefore, he hastened forward and tried to lift the prostrate man, who lay on the floor with one hand partially hidden in his bosom, while the other, lying near his head, held his penholder, the gold pen of which had its nib broken. But as the judge was a large man, given over to some extent to obesity, and the janitor a cadaverous fellow, who had been denominated “Bones” by the attaches of the court house, he found his attempt useless, and soon gave it up as futile.

The stare in the judge’s eyes… Read More