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A Night at Bolton Hall

A Governess’ Adventure, Related by Herself.

“A governess’ life monotonous, do you say, may dear? Well, perhaps it may be, as a general rule; but I don’t think any woman’s existence, however quietly and obscurely it may be passed, is ever entirely devoid of adventure. I have been a governess for forty years now, for I am past sixty, though I hardly look it; and I have had some curious things happen to me in the course of these forty years. There are more biographies in the world than ever get written, my dear, and I have often thought that the scenes of my life, if they were told as some people know how to picture them out, wouldn’t make such a very uninteresting book.

“I never told you about the gawky young man, with the neglected education, who fell in love with me, when I was teaching him syntax and prosody, did I? No, nor the widower with seven children who wanted me to go out to India with him, as his wife, at twenty-four hours’ notice? Dear heart alive! I often wonder what has become of them all. But the strangest thing of any, was what happened to me, when I was in old England, years and years before I thought of coming over to this country, my dear.

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